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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2 foreign students arrested over death, rape

By Leanne Suter

Two foreign students have been arrested for allegedly orchestrating drunken parties that ended with the death of a teen and the rape of a woman.
Both victims had attended parties aboard party buses.

They were both students at EF international language school in Redondo Beach.
A 17-year-old Danish student was struck and killed after drunkenly wandering onto the 110 freeway.
His blood alcohol level was more than three times the legal limit.

Authorities said the teen was returning home to Redondo Beach from Hollywood aboard a party bus loaded with alcohol rented by another EF student, Jeremy Michelren, 22, of France.

The bus stopped to allow students to go to the bathroom because some had become ill from drinking.
The teen somehow was left behind and decided to cross the 110 to try to walk home when he was struck and killed.

In another incident, a 20-year-old South Korean student was raped after riding a party bus into Los Angeles.
A 20-year-old student who set up that trip has been convicted of furnishing alcohol to minors.
"Whenever you get kids with alcohol you're going to have problems. The two don't mix," said Sgt. Peter Grimm of the Redondo Beach Police Department.

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