Real World Defense for Real Life Threats that Can Be Done by Real People

These are not out dated martial arts or flashy flipping demo team techniques. Ultimate Defense Techniques (UDT) are real techniques to handle today's real life threats. From knowledge of what kinds of threats are out there to how to neutralizing a potential attack, handling multiple attackers or saving your life against modern weapons threats, UDT techniques work young or old, big or small, male or female.

Don't be a victim know how to ultimately defend yourself no matter what comes at you.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Today's Min Training - Attacking vital targets

Today's min training comes from

This is some great tips on attacking vital areas especially the collar bone and throat area. These are both great self-defense areas to attack because no matter how big or strong your attacker these areas are weak and can be attacked by anyone of any size.

Here is a quick guide to some other critical areas.

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