Real World Defense for Real Life Threats that Can Be Done by Real People

These are not out dated martial arts or flashy flipping demo team techniques. Ultimate Defense Techniques (UDT) are real techniques to handle today's real life threats. From knowledge of what kinds of threats are out there to how to neutralizing a potential attack, handling multiple attackers or saving your life against modern weapons threats, UDT techniques work young or old, big or small, male or female.

Don't be a victim know how to ultimately defend yourself no matter what comes at you.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Woman Raped In Her Own Home By Door-to-Door Salesman

Nigerian immigrant Charles Woghiren was invited in to discuss a pay-TV deal, but then forced the Cannock woman, aged in her 20s, to have sex, Stafford Crown Court heard yesterday.
Woghiren, aged 36, of no fixed address, was jailed for 54 months after admitting a charge of rape.
Judge Mark Eades told him: “You took advantage of a situation and for a woman to be raped in her own home is particularly terrifying. You thought you had done nothing wrong, which in itself is an alarming issue.”
The court heard that Woghiren’s visa to remain in the UK has been revoked by the Home Office and he is likely to be deported back to Nigeria when freed.
Mr David Munro, prosecuting, said the rape took place in March and that the woman was crying throughout her ordeal, but the defendant “just made small talk and then left”.
Woghiren later sent her a text message asking if she was angry with him and he was arrested.
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