Real World Defense for Real Life Threats that Can Be Done by Real People

These are not out dated martial arts or flashy flipping demo team techniques. Ultimate Defense Techniques (UDT) are real techniques to handle today's real life threats. From knowledge of what kinds of threats are out there to how to neutralizing a potential attack, handling multiple attackers or saving your life against modern weapons threats, UDT techniques work young or old, big or small, male or female.

Don't be a victim know how to ultimately defend yourself no matter what comes at you.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Midvale police: Man stabbed pregnant girlfriend

By Associated Press

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Police in Midvale say a 41-year-old man stabbed his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach because he was upset over her protective order against him.
Midvale police Sgt. Marcelo Rapela told The Salt Lake Tribune that Jeffrey Ingram also stabbed his 4-months-pregnant girlfriend in the hand, then fled Tuesday night. He remains at large.

Rapela says the 23-year-old woman was hospitalized in fair condition with minor injuries, but the condition of the fetus was unknown.Rapela says the order was issued against Ingram earlier Tuesday, and that Ingram "was mad and said she lied."He says the woman could not describe the weapon used in the assault, and no knife was found.

Story Source Click Here 

UDT Comment:

Yesterday I wrote about your attacker being closer to home then you may think. (Click here for story) It appears this young woman in Midvale was attempting to escape her abuser and he attacked her for it. Again Ultimate Defense is taking control of your life and only putting the you and your loved ones safety in your own hands. It means being prepared to handle any threat no matter the source. Having someone, who should care about you be the threat on your life is far worse than the stranger in the street because it is also a betrayal of trust at the same time. The stranger you don't trust, you are suspicious of what they may do. When you see them you are on your guard at all times. When a loved one turns into a threat it is far more scary because they know about you. Where you live or where you may be. The stranger may only have one chance to attack you the loved one turned attacker has multiple and can wait for just the right time.

A threat is a threat no matter the source and no one has the right to harm you so don't wait for the attack to happen. A restraining order is something you need to do but it is not a force field. If (like this boyfriend did) a person decides to violate the restraining order their consequences are legal action that will only happen after they violate the restraining order (like attack you) and by that point if you are not prepared it may be too late. You can not relay on the legal system to protect your life or your loved ones lives, you must do that, then be ready to help the legal system enforce the violation. Your protection is your responsibility and only you can take back control from that abuser. Only by be prepared will you reduce the fear and be able to take back your life. Don't be a victim learn to Ultimately Defend yourself from all threats.

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