Real World Defense for Real Life Threats that Can Be Done by Real People

These are not out dated martial arts or flashy flipping demo team techniques. Ultimate Defense Techniques (UDT) are real techniques to handle today's real life threats. From knowledge of what kinds of threats are out there to how to neutralizing a potential attack, handling multiple attackers or saving your life against modern weapons threats, UDT techniques work young or old, big or small, male or female.

Don't be a victim know how to ultimately defend yourself no matter what comes at you.


Monday, November 1, 2010

This is SHOCKING! Gun To School! Would you know what to do if your attacker was only 16?

This clip floored me!
  • First, I was shocked to think kids maybe packing serious fire power to school. 
  • Second, I was sad that this 16yr old boy felt like he lived in a war zone and that he felt everyday his life could end. 
  • Third, came to the realization that this is in LA but with economy and today's mobile society, kids like this are moving out of gang towns in to suburban small towns. This young man has been trained and has a perception of life are set that he has to defend himself to the death and is willing to do anything if he sees its fit. The gang town he grew up with is his perception and he would carry with him even if he left and lived in happy valley.
  • Fourth, this 16yr old is so comfortable with carrying his weapon with him every day and has decided he will easily use it without a thought. Unlike most people who would think about what it would mean to take others life, He will not think through any negative consequences if he pulled that gun or knife. He already has and has accepted that its ok to go to jail or die.
  • Fifth, the person you may need to defend against for your life may not be an adult. It could very well be a young man like this who is making a bad decision and has the fire power to make a bad decision lethal.
I watched this video and realize that this young boy doesn't look any different then so many 16yr olds I see now a days. Seeing him on the street you would have know idea he is carrying a gun and knife. I have teen aged kids and I was a teenager once, and even if they don't have bad intent, teenagers all make stupid decision in their learning process of growing up. From inflated egos, to proving themselves to their peers, to getting even, to responding badly to failed relationship, kids make tons of stupid mistakes and have horrible impulse control as they are learning to grow up. Heaven forbid if they have lethal force to back up any of ther many stupid learning decisions.

Are you ready? Would you know what to do if a kid pulled a gun or a knife on you? They may be smaller than you and likely to react more aggressively level the field could you diffuse the threat before it got to that point? Do your kids know what they would do? Knowing the answers to these questions could not only save your life but your families as well. Be in the news for doing great things in your life not for becoming a victim of a tragic loss because you didn't know what to do. Ultimate Defense starts by making a decision to be prepared then doing what it takes to make sure you are.

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